World Records

First world record of accordion endurance in 1994

On the 27th of April 1994 Jean-Michel Guenichot first attempted the world record of accordion endurance in the “le Jonathan” Cabaret at 53 Rue Borie in Bordeaux. There, he was accompanied by the Denys Grey international orchestra musicians; 10 days and 11 hours later (including 5 minutes rest every one hour) he officially achieves a Guinness record. 251 hours after 10 days and 11 hours at the rate of 5 minutes of rest per hour, the Guinness book of records validates its record. Supporting, daily medical bulletins, medical reports, a bailiff’s report and numerous press articles. For this record the famous accordions’ trademark ACCORDIOLA (settled in Sarlat) made him a special accordion in carbon fiber to relieve the weight of the instrument.

Sports and music

This idea of beating the accordion endurance world record (225 hours since 1991) helped him combine his love for sport and competition but also his passion for accordion. Therefore 251 hours after the 27th of April he acquired the world champion diploma for the accordion endurance by Guinness Records. A few days later he was awarded the medal of merit by the mayor of Bordeaux.

Second world record in 2015

” In 20 years’ time, if no one has broken the world record, I’ll do it again! ” And that’s what Jean-Michel did, at almost 50 years of age, on 27 October 2015. It was in Pessac (33) that Jean-Michel decided to beat his own accordion endurance world record. It took up residence at Brouss’Art Musique in Pessac (33) from 16 to 27 October 2015. Animating takes place there on a daily basis to the rhythm of Jean-Michel’s accordion. Every evening, he performed with his musicians and other groups for everyone to enjoy. He didn’t stop playing the accordion for 11 days. He had 5 minutes rest every hour (as he did for his first record in 1994). People helped him to eat, drink and more because his hands were “glued” to the 6kg accordion. He was supported by a medical team, plenty of sponsors, friends and family. It is at 3:03pm that he reached his ultimate goal. Master Ithurburu, bailiff who followed all his record finally proclaimed: “I checked for 11days the record and the bulletin held daily by the sworn people and I can validate the world record of accordion endurance to Jean-Michel Guenichot who played for 11 days and 3 minutes […]”. Many press fallouts were present before, during and after his performance (Europe 1,RTL, France Bleu, France 3, TV7, itélé, Canal Plus, and Belgian/English radios, the South West, the West France, Russian/Tunisian/Chinese journals…

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